Sand Strokes: Games and Suggestions

What is in the Bag?

Each drawstring bag contains (3) varied size cups (holes), with (3) color matching flagsticks, (4) golf balls, a shovel, an adjustable double-sided putter, and this detailed instructions page.

Sand Strokes can be what you make it, these instructions are just suggestions. Use your imagination and have fun with family and friends!

The Classic:

  1. Separate contents of bag.

  2. Take the shovel and cups to the desired location.

  3. Dig a hole for each size cup, make sure it is deep enough for each cup to be fully in the ground, flush with the sand around it. Arrange cups in any variation you desire (see suggestion guide below).

  4. Place the cups in the holes and use the flat side of the shovel to pack sand around each.

  5. Insert flagstick into the hole in the middle of the cup.

  6. Choose a shot line, meaning distance where everyone will hit from, based on desired difficulty (see suggestion guide below).

  7. Once a distance is chosen we suggest a couple of practice rounds so all players have a feel for the distance and terrain they are playing on. 

  8. In 1v1 each player gets four shots per turn with golf balls provided or if preferred your own golf balls. In 2v2 each player gets two shots and each team gets four total shots.

  9. Each player must hit from the agreed shot line.

  10. There are four balls provided, after the player/team takes their four shots they record their points and collect the balls for the next team/player. 

  11. The biggest cup is worth one point, the middle sized cup is worth two points, and the smallest is worth three points.

  12. The game is four rounds with each player/team taking all their shots per round. Add up your points after every round.

  13. If the game is tied after 4 rounds, there is a one round shootout, the most points wins at the end of that round.

  14. Feel free to make wagers… after all it’s all about competition!

The Classic: Adult Version 21+

Same instructions, points, and suggestions apply from The Classic shown above. 

  • If a player holes out in the smallest cup, everyone sips their favorite beverage three times.

  • If a player holes out in the medium sized cup the opposing team/player sips twice.

  • If a player holes out in the largest cup the opposing team/player sip once.

  • If a team/player misses all holes they must sip once

  • Sip = multiple swallows.

  • At the end of the game the losing team/player has to finish their drink.

*Play Responsibly. 

Suggestion Guide:

  • Beginners should use a putter. It will be much easier.

  • Skilled golfers can use a wedge to make the game more interesting. 

  • More advanced players can use their own putters or wedges, beginners can use the provided adjustable double sided putter. 

  • Set up your game in softer sand for more difficulty.

  • Softer sand will be harder to hit out of and the ball will not roll as much.

  • Harder sand will be easier to hit off of and the ball will roll much more.

  • Choose distance based on desired level of difficulty, closer will be much easier.

  • Playing on flatter ground will make the game easier.

  • Playing with slopes/hazards adds another level of fun. 

  • Place the smallest cups closer to the shot line for an easier, more balanced game.

  • For more tips check out our Instagram and TikTok.

    Putter Instructions

  • The putter is telescopically adjustable.

  • There are two sections that extend, top and bottom.

  • Twist the top section where the putter grip is located to the left until you feel it loosen.

  • Gently pull that section away from the putter head to extend it and then twist it right to tighten it back up.

  • Repeat the steps for the bottom section.

  • You can extend each section out to the desired/appropriate height of the player.

  • When you are finished playing, loosen each section and push them in gently.

Set Up Examples: